Thursday, April 21, 2011

When God Paints The Chosen

I can sometimes wonder if my path is 'Chosen.' I wonder if I am truly giving my will and my life over to the care of God. It is a daunting task, one which I must approach with childlike faith.

And then I am reminded that He cares for the least of us. Why would His care for me be any less?

Many times I am saddened by man's inhumanity to his brothers. But I am told to keep the faith, that prayer heals us of our collective shortcomings. And I weep still believing that time heals all wounds.

And then out of the blue, God graces me with reminders that The Chosen will prevail and live out eternity with Him; that many are called, but few are Chosen.

Nature can be awe-inspiring and serene. It can also take a deadly turn. In those times of trouble and hardship, it can be much too easy to question The Chosen's path. But still, we must press on.

My heart takes flight in moments where another's example of kindness and compassion shows me what it means to be Chosen. I thank God in those moments and I am humbled by His generosity and mercy.

It is then that I know beyond knowing that one day God said, "That one - I want THAT one." And he meant me! Surely I am blessed.

And then He bestows on me a moment of total inner tranquility and I feel His Grace all around me.

I stand there tall and proud to know He loves me THAT much. But I am humbled also in the knowledge that I am undeserving of His precious gift.

It is overwhelming to me that of all the people who ever lived or will live, that God sees me as precious. To me it is one of life's greatest mysteries.

And to know that He loved me enough to bring me to a place where I not only feel His presence, but know that He is there with me all the time - it boggles my mind.

And yet, his messages surround me every day in some way; telling me to live rightly and I will have my place with Him forever and ever.

It isn't always easy being Chosen. I can feel lost in the crowd, even shunned.

But then there are those sublime moments when I feel as though God Himself has kissed my heart, and I am whole and at peace.

For if He cares for the least of us, why would His care for me be any less?

I just have to hang on, believe and have faith. I can and will weather the storms.

And though I feel a spiritual drought at times, I can have comfort in knowing that this too shall pass.

And when the rains come again I will bear the loveliest of fruit and know that God has blessed me over and over.

And I can know that sometimes being Chosen feels like sitting on the edge of a cliff. But having true faith means that even if I fall off, I can know that God will be there to give me wings to fly.

Are you one of God's Chosen? Do you feel Him in your heart? If you don't know Him, seek Him. If you do know Him, seek Him more. Remember the price paid on Calvary. It was paid for all of us. May you find Him now.
Happy Easter...

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